Information about cause, treatment, and prevention

Overview of Keloid Treatment Options

What are the available treatment options for removing or improving the appearance and symptoms of keloid scars?

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Is Compression Therapy Effective on Keloid Scars?

Compression therapy is often used as a first-line remedy to treat keloids.

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Cryotherapy for Keloid Scars

Can you freeze a keloid to get rid of it?

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Immunotherapy Options for Keloid Scars

The anti-inflammatory effects of immunotherapy drugs may help treat keloid scars by suppressing the overproduction of collagen.

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Laser Therapy Can Help Remove Keloid Scars

Learn about the different types of laser treatments used to remove keloid scars.

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Radiation Treatment of Keloid Scars

What type of radiation is used to treat keloid scars?

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Can Keloid Scars Be Surgically Removed?

Surgery may actually increase the size of a keloid scar, but surgical removal may be helpful when combined with other therapies.

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